28 November 2012

Guest Post Request!

Okay, so life is definitely getting in the way of blogging at the minute.
I obviously haven't reached the drastic stage yet, but as I have exams, deadlines and an increasing amount of hours at the hospital to juggle (as well as the inevitable Christmas preparations) I am predicting a serious case of blog neglect on the horizon.
Damn you third year!
So I was wondering if any of you lovely lot could help me to keep my blog as active as possible by doing me the honours of guest posting on Painted Glitter!
If I have any volunteers for this, my plan is to schedule as many guest posts as possible roughly between now and the end of January.
As I don't expect a huge amount of offers (sad face) I will obviously also be posting myself as much as I can manage.
All I ask is that you use clear images on your posts. I don't have any specific requests on the content, just whatever you fancy (obviously as long as it fits in with the theme of my blog). Beauty, fashion, life, health... anything along those lines!
If you are interested in helping me out, I'd love you to pop me an email at jotwentytwelve@hotmail.co.uk with a rough idea of what you would like to write about.
Thanks for reading!
Jo xx


  1. Hey, I nominate you for the Leibster awards :)

    love Brigid

  2. Hi Jo, I would love to guest post for you however, I fear my blog is suffering neglet at the moment too. Doh. Great idea and maybe in the future I could do a post for you?


    1. Just had a look at your blog and it looks fab, would love you to do a guest post for me once you're back on track with your own :)

      Just pop me an email when you're ready! xx

  3. Hi! I've nominated you for an award! Check it out at my blog, http://miss-to-mrs.com :)

  4. i would be really interested in guest posting for you if you're still looking for people?

    my email address is rachelandherjournal@hotmail.co.uk if you are interested and would like to contact me :)

    i'll pop my blog link below so you can look at the kind of posts i write...

    Rachel's Journal


    1. Thanks Rachel I'll have a nosy now :) xx


I love reading your comments and opinions so please feel free to leave them! I will reply to every single one :) However, please note that although I am more than happy for you to leave your blog link, I do not do follow-for-follows, and any spam comments will be deleted